Writing a blog is difficult when you
want to write one but are unsure what you want to blog about. I’m lots
of things, but a writer is the main thing, and I’m not one to publish my
stories online if I’m going to want to earn a living from them. Problematic for
a budding young author, but there are lots of topics to write about. I’m also
highly critical of my writing so any tips and constructive criticism are
welcome and encouraged.
I love fantasy and science fiction,
so think Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, Star Trek and Star Wars and
you have a reasonable idea of what I’m in to.
I’m currently writing a series of
fantasy novels set in a skewy version of our world in which magic is common
place and politics is getting awkward. I’ve been planning and writing different
parts of these stories since I was in school and they have merged with my more
recent ideas to exist in one world. I aim for this world to be rather huge.
I play D&D 5e with some friends
in which I play a Human Cleric alongside a Human Druid with an annoying,
talking sword, an Elvish Wizard, a Dwarf Barbarian, an Imp Rogue with an
addiction to food and mayhem and a Bardic Kobald. What could possibly go wrong?
With 1 DM and 3 players who have a habit of saving one-off NPCs and adopting
them as characters: so much!